Thursday, January 8, 2009


Your resume is your ambassador to the work world. It opens doors to opportunities you didn't even know existed. But not all resumes are alike or are used alike today with all the electronic means available to reach your potential employer.

Here are the most important issues to consider as you prepare your resume:

1. Write your resume in your own words. It may be challenging but if you write your own resume and don't hand it off well in your interview,what next !!! If you do hire an expert to help you, work closely with that person to be sure your resume realistically reflects your abilities.

2. Put your best foot forward. People remember what they see first and last, so place your least important information in the middle.

3. Make a list of all the work or volunteer experiences you have had that support your candidacy for the job. Select the best ones and write them so that they show what Problems you've solved, Actions you've taken to do this, and the bottom line - Results you've achieved.

4. Use resume etiquette. The word resume does not belong any place on the document. Never use "I" to start out a sentence. The language of your resume should be specific, clear, succinct, positive, and exciting. Make it easy for someone to contact you. Of course references are available.

5. Know what format to use. The two most commonly used and accepted resume formats are the chronological and the functional. Often elements of both are combined. A chronological resume is most widely used and preferred by recruiters and interviewers. It is good for someone with a consistent work history. A functional resume focuses attention on your accomplishments and is often used more successfully if you are often switching careers.

6. Tell the truth. If you lie about your education, job experience or any other element of your work history, you will probably live to regret it.

7. Know your audience. Your resume and every interaction in your job search should answer the question to the employer - "Why should I hire you?" Communicate the information necessary to evaluate your ability to do the job. Use language that is appropriate to the industry or field, but be aware that extreme jargon may not speak to those who are intermediaries between you and the ultimate hiring manager.

8. Get some objective feedback. Have others who have not worked as closely with the resume as you have read it for accuracy and typographical errors before you submit it. Ask questions about whether the resume communicates what you intended. Does your resume support your claim of being qualified for the job? Does it address the requirements of a specific job description you're after? Does it need to be modified to fit the situation exactly?

9. Know your parts of speech. Action verbs are the bedrock of good writing. Use them liberally throughout your resume to communicate your accomplishments: Developed, streamlined, pioneered, implemented, produced...

10. Hit the highlights. Remember that your resume is only one element of your job search strategy. It's important and needs to get you in the door.Be prepared to give more detail later. Think of your resume as your personal brochure.


Jon Kinsey October 24, 2011 at 11:54 AM  

This is a great top ten for anyone looking to write their own resume. Especially for recent graduates starting to look for work. I especially like the part about including volunteer work as this is something even high school students can have.

Jon :-)

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